Simple life with a not so empty nest. Trips activities camp life and camper repairs.

Weather in the south

This week we are bracing for severe cold and possible snow. We are not prepared for severe winter weather in my area on a regular basis.
This means there will be a rush to get bread and milk. Yep get there early or the shelves will be empty. When my mother was alive, I never rushed to the store. I went to her she was always stocked up for any storm.
Don’t forget to bring the cats and dogs in the house. That’s another cold wet weather treat. Wet smelly dog that doesn’t play well with the cat.
Last Friday the schools were closed in anticipation of the weather. Now mothers make sure you get one good picture of your snow angel.
Get you a good cup of coffee and take break. The kids will run in and out of the house changing clothes. They will bring in snow and wet clothes.